Our objectives

  • To create a suitable environment in the community for those children who were not able to go to school because of weak economic condition, lack of public awareness, difficulty in geographical location, and natural disaster by facilitating economic benefits to them.

  • To provide economic help and educational materials such as books for the libraries, computers, science educational tools, and playing materials to the school those are in undeveloped region and having poor economic condition with the cooperation and assistance of village development committee, school committee, and other sectors..

  • To provide support to the people those affected from life-threatening disease living in undeveloped region and having poor economic condition.

  • To launch educational awareness program aiming to the people having good economic status but do not want to send their children to the school because of lack of awareness.

  • This organization aims to removal of social and economic imbalance in the society according to empowerment perspective and also to help to improve the economic and living condition of privilege groups and those living in remote and undeveloped region by using locally found resources and help them to generate alternative income sources that helps to change their lifestyle.

  • To launch and operate a development program aiming to development of Women, children, aged people, orphans, and people of minorities groups and support them for the creation of equitable society

  • To launch direct and indirect awareness program aiming to the youngsters against increasing trend of drug use, social and health related problems from AIDS and drug use, and increasing trend of bad habits in youngsters which creates negative effect in the society.